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Navigating the Return to Work: A Breastfeeding Mom's Survival Guide

  • 25, Nov 2023

For new mothers, adjusting to going back to work while still breastfeeding may be difficult yet gratifying. It's a change that calls for careful preparation, encouragement, and a little amount of adaptability. Providing for your baby's care while juggling your employment obligations may be accomplished with the correct planning. This is a thorough resource designed to assist in women’s care with their return to work.

Develop a Pumping Plan

Develop a Pumping Plan

Prior to going back to work, start organizing your pumping regimen. Think about how frequently you'll need to determine sessions and your work schedule. Purchasing a superior breast pump is vital. Before returning to work, give it a try to make sure you feel comfortable with the procedure.

Read also: Revitalize and Reenergize: Women's Health Nutrition for Every Life Stage

Communicate with Your Employer

Communicate with Your Employer

Talk to your employer ahead of time about your nursing needs. See if you can arrange to pump during breaks or if there is a lactation room accessible. To fit your nursing schedule, be aware of your rights and look into flexible work arrangements.

Create a Backup Milk Supply

Create a Backup Milk Supply

Before going back to work, start stockpiling frozen breast milk. This backup supply might come in rather handy if you have trouble pumping at work or have to travel for job-related reasons.

Practice Pumping Sessions

Practice Pumping Sessions

Get acquainted with your breast pump. To maximize your milk supply and see how your body reacts, try pumping sessions at home. Pumping routines can be established with the use of this practice.

Coordinate with Your Caregiver

Coordinate with Your Caregiver

Share your nursing schedule and breast milk storage guidelines with any caregivers your child may be with. To make sure your baby doesn't overeat, teach them about timed bottle feeding.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

Keep yourself adequately fed and hydrated to sustain your milk production. Carry wholesome snacks with you and don't forget to stay hydrated all day. A nutrition-filled food helps ensure women’s health during this phase. 

Pump Regularly at Work

Pump Regularly at Work

Don't skip out on your pumping sessions while at work. Allocate specific time slots for milk expression. Pumping regularly will keep your milk production steady and help you avoid pain.

Stay Connected with Your Baby

Stay Connected with Your Baby

To maintain a connection with your child, use technology. During breaks, think about receiving regular updates or video calls from your caregiver. This relationship can help reduce your baby's separation anxiety and provide you with daily updates.

Prioritize Self-Care

Prioritize Self-Care

It may be quite demanding to juggle work with nursing. Make self-care a priority, get adequate sleep, and seek assistance when required. Never forget that caring for yourself is essential to caring for your child. This ensures the women’s wellbeing which cannot be denied. 

Be Kind to Yourself

Be Kind to Yourself

It's common to experience difficulties balancing jobs and nursing. Recognize your accomplishments, treat yourself with kindness, and remember that every nursing experience is different and women’s health is also critical. 

Special Diet

Special Diet 

In order to take care of yourself, you just need to enhance your post-pregnancy diet. For this, you can choose an Ayurveda Ayurveda-approved diet such as Dana methi laddoo, Gond laddoo, Ajwain laddoo, Sonth laddoo, Ragi Laddoo and Haldi laddoo. Usually, women did not get time to do all these things. But do not get overwhelmed as Nushka has brought you authentic and Ayurveda-prepared special recipes that enhance women’s well-being. 


Re-entering the workforce while taking care of your kid is a noteworthy achievement. You can make it through this difficult yet crucial time with enough planning, honest communication, and a positive atmosphere. It's admirable that you are committed to giving your child the finest care possible while progressing in your profession. And remember this is something you can handle! In order to be successful in this phase of life, women’s care is essential. You need to take care of your post-pregnancy diet with utmost caution. 

Read also: Top 10 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy for a Healthy Baby


1. How do I continue breastfeeding when returning to work?

Maintaining nursing while working requires preparation and organization. Before going to work and during breaks, pump breast milk. When you're together, feed your infant and store it appropriately. Use a high-quality breast pump and choose a cozy area for pumping at work. Talk to your employer about having flexible work schedules or breaks.

2. Can I breastfeed and work full-time?

It is feasible to nurse a child while working a full-time job. Even with a hectic work schedule, breastfeeding may be maintained by pumping milk during breaks and feeding your child together. It calls for effective time management as well as assistance from your family and employer.

3. will I gain weight after stopping breastfeeding?

A shift in weight may be noticeable to some women after they stop nursing. Changes in hormones can affect weight, however, this varies from person to person. Exercise and a healthy diet can support weight maintenance.