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Bonding with Your Baby: Tips for Enhancing Post-Pregnancy Connection

  • 20, Jan 2024

The miracle of becoming a mother and giving birth is an unparalleled joy. However, among the overwhelming emotions of parenthood and sleep-deprived nights, many new parents struggle with developing a bond with their baby. Building a bond with a newborn is not easy as it doesn't always happen instantly. On the contrary, some can experience this bond immediately but others might feel it difficult. Parents need to understand that it can be an incremental process driven by various moments and lots of care.

It does not matter whether it is your second baby or you have become a parent for the first time, you can feel difficulty in bonding with your baby. In this case, you must remember that bonding is a journey, not a destination. With lots of patience, understanding, and a few helpful tips, you can develop a powerful connection with your little one. These tips would help you in laying the foundation for an emotional and happy relationship.

Skin-to-Skin Magic

Skin-to-Skin Magic

Nothing can fasten the bonding development than skin-to-skin contact. It could be a powerful first step towards an emotional connection. It is advised by parents, especially mothers that after birth, hold your baby bare chest to bare chest. It allows your skin to regulate its temperature and heartbeat. Also, this touch releases oxytocin, the "love hormone," which develops closeness and emotional warmth between the two. Do not stop here, do this skin-to-skin touch practice several times a day to continue the bond. You can use whispers and breath to push the connection. 

♦ Read also: Pregnancy's Early Signs: Listen to Your Body and Fuel Your Journey Right

The Lullaby of Your Voice

The Lullaby of Your Voice

A lullaby does not only work for a baby’s sleep but also plays a huge role in developing bonding. It does not matter how well you can sing but a mother's voice is melodious to all babies. Forget whether they can understand it or not just talk, sing, read, or simply narrate your day to your baby before bed. Your voice can create a bond of security for your baby as your voice would make them feel comfortable and secure within their surroundings. 

Eye Contact

Eye Contact

Eye contact plays a major role in developing a relationship with your little one. When you are playing them or randomly, try to make long eye contact. For this, you can directly gaze into your baby's bright, and try to understand their world through their eyes. Answer their smiles with a warm smile. With these gestures, you can develop a conversation. As your baby develops vision, try to make them focus on high-contrast objects to drive their attention and push engagement. 

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The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch

Besides the eye contact and skin-to-skin touch, a gentle massage should be part of your routine. You can start by gently pressing or rubbing your baby's head, arms, and legs, or you can apply smooth pressure to relax their muscles and also develop a connection between you two. 

Responsive Care

Responsive Care

After a few months is birth, once the baby starts recognising you, they show love gestures or cues too and you should respond to them with the same warmth. They do not have a schedule and you should practice tuning into your baby's unique rhythm. Try to understand their tiny gestures like cries, irritation and sleepiness. When you respond to their cues, you create a sense of security or trust. There’s no certain pattern to it, you need to embrace it randomly. 

Building Memories, One Moment at a Time

Building Memories, One Moment at a Time

Even a bath time, feeding session and late-night whispering or lullaby create a shared memory. These may feel like ordinary moments but they are the building blocks of your bond. Sing silly songs, invent bedtime stories, and laugh together at unexpected hiccups. These joyful experiences weave a tapestry of love and connection, enriching your shared journey.

Self Care

Self Care 

Parenting a newborn baby is not an easy task. But you should not forget yourself, it is also important to give attention to self-care. Sleepless nights, hormonal disbalance, and the demands of caring for a newborn can be tiring. However, if you are unable to handle these conditions then you can also ask for support. You can discuss the situation with your partner, doctor, family member, or trusted friend. When you take care of yourself, you enable yourself to be present for your kid emotionally, ultimately strengthening your bond.


We know that for new parents bonding with the baby is very important. It could be a frustrating and emotional issue for parents but with some calmness and given tips, you can create a connection with your baby. So tips like skin-to-skin touch, singing songs, eye contact and smooth massage could be very helpful in developing the connection. 

During this phase, you should also keep in mind that this is a process, not a destination. You should enjoy this phase without any stress and frustration. 

Apart from creating memories with newborn babies, a good diet for a baby’s care is also significant. To help you take care of your little ones, Nushka has brought a large number of baby food products that would make their diet nutrient-rich. Here you get from Poshan rice moong dal to Poshan ragi moong dal almond.

♦ Read also: Top 10 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy for a Healthy Baby


♦  How can I make my bond stronger with my baby?

Using body language filled with love, small gestures like eye contact, massage skin-to-skin touch and singing a lullaby is quite important for developing a strong bond with your baby. Incorporate these steps into your routine so that it does not require additional effort. 

♦ When should I start bonding with my unborn baby?

To develop a strong bond with your unborn baby, you need to start small gestures during 18 weeks as during this time baby will be able to hear sounds. In simple words, you can start the process of creating bonding in 4 to 5 months.

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