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Feeding Fussy Eaters: Tips and Tricks for Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits

  • 05, Sep 2023

Being a parent can be both an exciting and difficult experience, particularly if your infant is a picky eater. As parents, you may be wondering how to deal with your child's fussy eating habits and yet make sure they receive the nourishment they need from their baby food.

We very well know that raising a fussy eater, such as a newborn baby or young kid, may provide significant difficulties at times. But don't worry, we've got you covered with a few easy but powerful pointers and strategies to help your kids develop good eating habits. Come along as we explore ways to turn mealtimes into an enjoyable and wholesome experience!

What is Picky Eating

What is Picky Eating

Let's start by discussing what picky eating means. Children who are choosy about the baby food they like and dislike are known as picky eaters. It is a typical period that most kids go through. Here are some tips to assist your finicky eater:

Tips to Handle Fussy Eaters

Tips to Handle Fussy Eaters 

♦ Provide Variety

Sample a range of foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. There's a greater likelihood that your youngster may discover something they appreciate the more variety you provide.

♦ Remain Calm

Avoid pressuring your youngster to finish everything on their plate. This may add stress to mealtimes. Allow them to eat new baby food at their own natural pace.

♦ Make It Fun

To make meals aesthetically attractive, use colored dishes and cutlery. To pique their attention, you may also use their food to make amusing faces or forms. You can also buy packets that make the food look interesting like the Nushka’s Poshan packets. 

♦ Maintain a Schedule

Your youngster will learn to anticipate meals if you have regular meal and snack times. When it comes time for meals, this may encourage children to eat more.

The Value of a Healthy Diet for Children

The Value of a Healthy Diet for Children

By providing them with a balanced and nutritious diet, you are enabling them (kids) with abilities for their growth and development. The following crucial nutrients are essential for children:

♦ Protein 

Foods high in protein, such as yogurt, beans, and almonds, help babies stay active and develop strong muscles.

♦ Fruits and Vegetables

Packed with vitamins and minerals, they nourish children's bodies and promote healthy growth.

♦ Whole Grains

Kids can play and study longer with the energy that comes from foods like brown rice and whole-wheat bread.

♦ Dairy

Kids' strong bones are a result of the calcium found in milk and cheese.

♦ Herbal Baby Food Products 

Poshan Oats with Channa and almonds, Moong Dal, Ragi, Dry fruits and cumin are examples of unique herbs included in several baby food products like Nushka’s Poshan. These herbs have the ability to improve food flavour and maybe aid in digestion. Apart from that, you can get other Herbal baby food products on our platform. 

Adding Fun to Healthy Eating

Adding Fun to Healthy Eating

Let's now look at some simple strategies for getting your kids more excited about eating healthily:

♦ Cook Together

Involve your youngster in culinary tasks. They may assist with scrubbing vegetables, mixing ingredients, or even putting together sandwiches. Children are more inclined to eat when they assist in meal preparation.

♦ Try New Baby Food

Take your family to try out some new dishes. You may look for easy and healthful ready-to-eat dishes like Poshan dry fruit mix, oats, channa almonds and so on from Nushka. 

♦ Be Artistic 

Use food to create works of art! Create happy faces with fruits and vegetables, or create a colorful shape out of a sandwich. The better, the more inventive!

♦ Healthy Baby Food

Always have yogurt, sliced fruits, or baby carrots handy for a quick snack. In between meals, kids will have wholesome alternatives to eat.

♦ Provide a Good Example

Kids want to copy what they see. They're more inclined to give nutritious meals a try if they see you doing so.

Significance of Herbal Food for Infants

Significance of Herbal Food for Infants

Perhaps you've heard of products made with herbs for baby food. These are particular meals designed for infants and young children. They include flavour-enhancing and digestive-assisting herbs including cumin, ginger, and fennel. Here's why they could be a wise decision:

  • Gentle on Tummies:  Babies with delicate digestion systems exist. Ingredients like oats in baby food made with herbs may be easier on their stomachs.
  • Yummy Taste:  Your youngster may appreciate their meals more as a result of herbs' ability to improve food's flavour.
  • Nutrient Boost:  These goods often include vital nutrients that children need for healthy growth and development.
  • Examine Products for Quality:  Be careful to choose herbal baby food products that are safe and devoid of dangerous substances. Seek for reputable brands.

The Bottom Line

The correct strategy may make feeding fussy eaters a breeze. Recall that feeding your kid nutritious baby food is like giving them superpowers for a happy and active life. To make mealtimes joyful and nourishing, try offering a variety of foods, making meals enjoyable, and considering herbal baby food products. You can help your youngster develop lifelong good eating habits with a little perseverance and imagination.


♦ What are the common reasons behind a child becoming a fussy eater?

The tendency of children to try new meals is affected by factors such as their taste choices, expressing independence, and sensory sensitivity.

♦ What are some strategies to make mealtimes more enjoyable for both parents and fussy eaters?

Engage kids with fun plates and utensils, involve them in meal prep, offer choices, let them take an interest in baby food, create a positive atmosphere, and set a consistent mealtime routine.

♦ Should I be concerned if my child refuses to eat certain foods for an extended period?

Refusal of certain baby foods can be normal, but if it leads to limited nutrition, consult a paediatrician or nutritionist for guidance on ensuring your child's well-rounded diet.

♦ Is it okay to use food as a reward or punishment to encourage better eating habits?

For a newborn or 6-12 months old baby, punishing or rewarding is not a healthy choice. To have healthy baby care try other strategies such as encouragement, role modeling, and offering nutritious choices.